
Zeynep Gedik Küçük 2008 yılında Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Psikoloji bölümünden Psikolog unvanı ile mezun olup aynı yıl Anadolu Üniversitesi (Dilkom) Dil ve Konuşma Terapistliği yüksek lisans programına başlamıştır.


Uğur İş Merkezi, Başak Mahallesi, Ertuğrul Gazi Caddesi (5. Etap, Başak Center Yanı)

+90 553 349 44 07

[email protected]

Dikkat Testleri

Department of Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery of Evercare Hospital Dhaka offers full scope of the dental specialty, including general dentistry and specialist services in oral & maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and restorative dentistry (endodontics and prosthodontics). Our aim is to deliver oral health care of the highest standard to our patients through experienced dental surgeons and modern technology. The department provides diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of defects and injuries related to the function and aesthetics of the teeth, gums and jaws

Nöropsikolojik Testler

Department of Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery of Evercare Hospital Dhaka offers full scope of the dental specialty, including general dentistry and specialist services in oral & maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and restorative dentistry (endodontics and prosthodontics). Our aim is to deliver oral health care of the highest standard to our patients through experienced dental surgeons and modern technology. The department provides diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of defects and injuries related to the function and aesthetics of the teeth, gums and jaws

Gelişim Testleri

Department of Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery of Evercare Hospital Dhaka offers full scope of the dental specialty, including general dentistry and specialist services in oral & maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and restorative dentistry (endodontics and prosthodontics). Our aim is to deliver oral health care of the highest standard to our patients through experienced dental surgeons and modern technology. The department provides diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of defects and injuries related to the function and aesthetics of the teeth, gums and jaws

Zeka Testleri


Zeka testleri sadece zeka kapasitesini ölçmekle kalmaz, bireylerin yaşadıkları öğrenme güçlükleri, hiperaktivite ve dikkat dağınıklığı gibi bir çok durum hakkında bizlere bilgi vermektedir.
Tanılama bireyin akademik, sosyal ve kişisel gelişimi açısından son derece önemlidir. Gerek zeka potansiyelinin, gerek yaşanan zorluğun tespiti alınacak önlemler açısından bizlere yol gösterecektir.
Unutmayın; bilmediğiniz bir şeyi yönetemez, ona faydalı olamayız.

Dil ve Konuşma Testleri

Department of Dental & Maxillofacial Surgery of Evercare Hospital Dhaka offers full scope of the dental specialty, including general dentistry and specialist services in oral & maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics and restorative dentistry (endodontics and prosthodontics). Our aim is to deliver oral health care of the highest standard to our patients through experienced dental surgeons and modern technology. The department provides diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of defects and injuries related to the function and aesthetics of the teeth, gums and jaws